We are working on making some changes to how Hamilton Children’s Aid Society is perceived and experienced by our community. We want to make sure we are inclusive and that our agency’s strategic vision, guiding principles, and commitment to equity are aligned.
While rebranding can be thought of as a corporate activity, many non-profit and community organizations undergo this process. One change that will happen is the creation of a new logo and tagline. Our current logo was created many years ago and no longer represents the vision of the agency or the communities we serve.
This is a chance to ensure that visually, the agency’s look and feel matches the vision and this identity reflects of a commitment to how we engage, work with, and provide service to families, the community, and each other.
An important part of this work is getting feedback from those we provide services to, and work in partnership, with. To gather input, we have a survey that we are hoping you will take a few minutes to fill out. We will also be holding some information sessions that we would invite you to take part in.
We have a few different ways you can provide feedback:
Online – Click here to complete the survey
By phone or to get a paper copy – email rebranding@hamiltoncas.com or call 905-522-1121 ext. 6465.
Thank you for taking part in this survey and providing your valuable feedback!